June 18, 2007

To Quote The Princess Bride: Maaaawwwiiiidge!

Standing next to Missy and Matt as they said their vows was one of the most special things I’ve done in this new adult life of mine. As I watched them promise to serve each other and put Christ at the center of their marriage, I couldn’t help but think about the promises we/the community makes for us at baptism. And it’s so fitting that baptism and marriage are communal events. We make promises even though we have no idea what the life ahead entails, but we can trust in God’s grace and the community to help us with those promises. It’s also powerful because we are acknowledging the fact that there will be days when we don’t feel like serving God or serving our spouse, but the community and God’s grace will be there. It's the whole idea of words and actions meaning more than feelings.
I’m thinking about ordering a picture of some part of the wedding and putting it up on my wall as sort of a start to a collection: the weddings that I’ve been a part of; remembering to be a community member to those that I’ve stood with as they promised their lives to each other. It makes me think ahead to those that I will inevitably be a part of in the future.

It’s safe to say that my love and hope for community was renewed.

I caught the bouquet….yeah, that’s right!

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