August 1, 2007

Tall and Skinny

Sunset walks sans the sunset (due to the tree line virtually circling the town) leads to noticing different things in this bell ringing, mom and pop town. The best part of the walk is the block of houses directly north of Dairy Queen. Who decided to put all of the prettiest houses on one block? Well, prettiest in my opinion. Tall tall skinny houses with three floors, lots of rooms, turrets, lilac gardens. The block sits up high from the sidewalk, the houses’ front yards ending in a concrete wall that holds the block sort of like the wrapper on a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup. The best part about this are the steps cut into the concrete wall, some turning up to the house that sits high above the street. I want to explore these houses-to see the tall, skinny, cramped rooms, the steep stair cases, the oldness. I want to climb the stairs and notice the doors and be inside the houses that make me feel the most like I am in Greenville.

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