March 25, 2007

another interim existence

45 days of an interim existence part 2:
I would set up shop in a South American city and get involved in whatever local ministry was there: tutoring kids in English, bathing babies, playing with the orphans. I would get used to dust and being dirty (this may just be a stereotype, but I'm thinking that I would be in a poor area.) I would admire the adobe and bright colors. I would take pictures of all the dark haired children. I would wear long shorts and sandals....a lot.
My skin my get used to tanning after this alternate existence.
A blond haired, blue eyed, tan girl?
Maybe not.

Part 3:
I would travel to every Major Leage Baseball Stadium. My dad was actually planning on doing this with our family. It is the passion of my current room mate. In order for me to do it, I would need another fantasy magazine (Baseball Illustrated, of course) that would fund my excursion as I took pictures of the different parks and took in the ambience. I would write about the different stadiums and what it was like to experience them all at once, especially because people only attend one their entire life. Maybe my articles would appear journal style in fantasy Baseball Illustrated.
I would make it a point to talk to the people I sat next to. Maybe I would sit in the bleachers each game. Or maybe I would make it a point to sit at different vantage points at every stadium. I would notice things like the Flag Lady and the Sign Lady at Chase Field. I would buy a hot dog at every game. I would buy a piece of baseball paraphanelia specific to the home team at every game.
I'd truly be following all baseball players throughout their season. I would watch Sports Center every night because I would almost be a part of their world.
I would be living America's favorite past time.

Just some more thoughts on my interim existences.
They still all include people.
Next question: Can I find a job to support this lifestyle? : )

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